Publications during the master's course
Journals & Book Series
Publications during the PhD course
Journals & Book Series
Publications during the master's course
M. Adaloglou, E. Dafli, V. Koutkias, P. Bamidis and C. Pappas, “Applied Electronic Guidelines for Hypertension Treatment and Risk Assessment in Primary Healthcare”, in Proc. of the 6th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, 19-21 June, Chania, Greece, 2008.
Athanasiou, A. Karlas, C. Lithari and P.D. Bamidis. Slow Cortical Potentials regulation in epilepsy: a short account on the use of Brain Computer Interfaces as neuromodulation treatment. Medicon 2010
A Athanasiou, C Lithari, Ioannis Moulos, Konstantina Kalogianni, Emmanouil Chatzitheodorou and Panagiotis Bamidis. Comparing sensorimotor cortex activation during actual and imaginary movement. Medicon 2010
Ch Collyda, S Kyratzi, G Triantafyllidis, N. Boulgouris and Michael G. Strintzis, "The Dicom Viewer of the Otelo Tele-Echography System”, 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2002) Orlando, USA, July 2002
Ε. Ντάφλη, Π. Δ. Μπαμίδης, Ν. Ντόμπρος. «Ανάπτυξη πιλοτικής εφαρμογής εικονικών ασθενών στην ελληνική ιατρική εκπαίδευση», Αρχεία Ελληνικής Ιατρικής 2010, 27(5):803-810
D. Filos, I. Chouvarda, N. Maglaveras, Optimising Arrhythmia Detection for Exercise Sessions of Cardiac Patients, ITAB 2010, Corfu Greece
Ch.A. Frantzidis, E.L. Dafli,P.M. Malindretos,A.D. Salonikiou, K.I. Vegoudakis,Th.N. Kostelidou, Ch.I. Anastasiadou, P.D. Bamidis. “Atrial fibrillation detection based on eStethoscope, wavelet decomposition and aprproximate entropy” Proceeding of 6th ESBME, Chania, Greece, June 19-21, 2008, pp 4.
A Karlas, K. Papathoma, G. Tsiamis, A. Zafeiropoulos and Y.S. Chatzizisis. Diagnostic ECG Classification Using Artificial Neural Networks. Medicon 2010
M. A. Klados, C. Frantzidis, A. Vivas, C. Papadelis, C. Lithari, C. Pappas, P. D. Bamidis, "A framework combining delta event related oscillations (EROs) and synchronization effects (ERD/ERS) to study emotional processing", Neuromath: Advanced Methods for the Estimation of Human Brain Activity and Connectivity, Volume 2009(2009)
M.A. Klados, C. Papadelis, C. Lythari, P. D. Bamidis, “The Removal of Ocular Artifacts From EEG Signals: A Comparison of Performances For Different Methods”, J. Vander Sloten, P. Verdonck, M. Nyssen, J. Haueisen (Eds.): ECIFMBE 2008, IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 1259–1263, 2008
Klados, M.A., Papadelis, C.L. Bamidis, P.D.,"REG-ICA: A new hybrid method for EOG Artifact Rejection", 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, 2009. ITAB 2009.doi:10.1109/ITAB.2009.5394295 (Finalist Paper in Student Paper Competition)
M. A. Klados, C. Bratsas, C. Frantzidis, C. L. Papadelis and P. D. Bamidis, A Kurtosis-Based Automatic System Using Naïve Bayesian Classifier to Identify ICA Components Contaminated by EOG or ECG Artifacts, PD Bamidis and N. Pallikarakis (Eds.): MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 49-52, 2010
A Kokonozi, E Michail, I Chouvarda, N Maglaveras, A Study of Heart Rate and Brain System Complexity and Their Interaction in Sleep-Deprived Subjects, Computers in Cardiology 2008, Bologna, Italy, September 14-17 2008, Proc Cinc 2008;35:969−971.
S. Kyratzi, Ch. Collyda, G. Nikolakis, G. Triantafyllidis, D. Tzovaras, and M. G. Strintzis, “A User Interface Environment in Mobile Tele-Echography”, Proc. International Academic conference on eHealth Telemedicine and Telecare (TELEMED 03), London, January 2003.
C. N. Moridis, M. A. Klados, V. Terzis, A. A. Economides, V. E. Karabatakis, A. Karlovasitou and P. D. Bamidis, Affective Learning: Empathetic Embodied Conversational Agents to Modulate Brain Oscillations, PD Bamidis and N. Pallikarakis (Eds.): MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 675-678, 2010
A. Kokkinaki, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, An SCP Viewer & Writer, OpenECG Consortium programming contest for Electrocardiography record handling applications and tools, using the SCP-ECG Standard, 1 February, 2003
A. Komnidis, E. Konstantinidis, I. Stylianou, M. A. Klados, A. Kalfas and P. D. Bamidis, A Modular Architecture of a Computer-Operated Olfactometer for Universal Use, PD Bamidis and N. Pallikarakis (Eds.): MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 280-283, 2010
V.G. Koutkias, S.L. Meletiadis and N. Maglaveras, “WAP-based Personalized Healthcare Systems”, in Proc. of the 6th Int. Symposium on Health Information Management Research (iSHIMR), pp. 123-135, 24-26 May, 2001, Chalkidiki, Greece.
Pavlos Malindretos, Christos Frantzidis, Panagiotis Bamidis, Pavlos Nikolaidis. Sound assessment of arteriovenous fistula in hemodialysis patients. 3rd Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference. 26-27 June 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece. Η περίληψη της εργασίας περιλήφθηκε στον τόμο των περιλήψεων του συνεδρίου, σελίδα 40.
Π. Μαλινδρέτος, Π. Μπαμίδης, Π. Νικολαΐδης. Η Τηλεϊατρική στην επείγουσα ιατρική (Ειδικό άρθρο). Ελληνική Ιατρική. 2008; 74:131-140.
E Michail, I Chouvarda, and N Maglaveras, Benzodiazepine administration effect on EEG Fractal Dimension: results and causalities, EMBC 2010
E. Michail, A. Kokonozi, I. Chouvarda, N. Maglaveras, “EEG and HRV Markers of Sleepiness and Loss of Control During Car Driving” in Proc. of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2008), 20-24 August, Vancouver, Canada, 2008,Conf Proc IEEE EMBS 2008;1:2566-9.
E Michail, I Chouvarda and N Maglaveras, Drug induced hypovigilance identification by means of an EEG Fractal Dimension Classifier, NeuroMath COST Action BM0601: Neurodynamic insight into functional connectivity, cognition, and consciousness. Dubrovnik, Croatia, March 27 - 28, 2010.
E. G. Peranonti, M. A. Klados, C. L. Papadelis, D. G. Kontotasiou, C. Kourtidou-Papadeli and P. D. Bamidis, "Can the EEG Indicate the FiO2 Flow of a Mechanical Ventilator in ICU Patients with Respiratory Failure?" , PD Bamidis and N. Pallikarakis (Eds.): MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 827-830, 2010
A.Salonikiou, V. Kilintzis, A. Antoniadis, F. Topouzis. New application for automatic hemifield damage identification in Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) Visual Fields. XII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010 IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 29, Part 3, 506-509, Springer Publications)
Spyridou KK, Hadjileontiadis LJ. Analysis of fetal heart rate in healthy and pathological pregnancies using wavelet-based features. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007;2007:1908-11.
A. Triantafyllidis, V. Koutkias, V., I. Chouvarda; N. Maglaveras, An open and reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Network for pervasive health monitoring, Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 2008. PervasiveHealth 2008. Second International Conference on, Jan. 30 2008-Feb. 1 2008 Page(s):112 – 115
A Tzanis, P Athanasiadis, A Baltatzidis, I Chouvarda, L Chatzileontiadis, P Bamidis and N Maglaveras Statistical and Time-frequency analysis of movement after Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s. submitted in 3rd Panhellenic Conference on Biomedical Technologies, 2010
K. Vegoudakis, V. Koutkias, A. Malousi, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “Towards User-friendly Interfacing of Biomedical Applications with the Grid: A Paradigm with SVM Optimization for Gene Prediction”, in Proc. of of the 4th European Congress for Medical and Biomedical Engineering 2008 (eMBEC2008), 23-27 November, Antwerp, 2008 , , IFMBE Proceedings 22, pp. 1430–1433, 2008
K.I. Vegoudakis, V. Koutkias, A. Malousi, I. Chouvarda, N. Maglaveras, “A Generic Grid Interface and Execution Framework for Biomedical Applications”, 8th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (BIBE 2008), Athens, Greece, October 8-10 2008
Journals and Book Series
C. Anastasiadou, A. Malousi, S. Kouidou, N. Maglaveras. Human Epigenome Data Reveal Increased CpG Methylation in Alternatively Spliced Sites and Putative Exonic Splicing Enhancers. DNA and Cell Biology, 2010 (in press)
M. Karambataki, A. Malousi, N. Maglaveras, S. Kouidou, “Synonymous polymorphisms at splicing regulatory sites are associated with CpGs in neurodegenerative disease-related genes”. Neuromol Med, 12(3):260-9, 2010.
S. Kouidou, A. Malousi, A. Kyventidis, K. Fragou, N. Maglaveras. “G:C > A:T mutations and potential epigenetic regulation of p53 in breast cancer”. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 106(3):351-360, 2007
M. A. Klados, C. Papadelis, C. Braun, P.D. Bamidis, REG-ICA: A Hybrid Methodology Combining Blind Source Separation and Regression Techniques for the Rejection of Ocular Artifacts, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (in print)
N. Maglaveras, I. Chouvarda, V. Koutkias, S. Meletiadis, K. Haris and A.E. Balas, “Information Technology can Enhance Quality Regional Health Delivery”, Methods of Information in Medicine, Special Issue on Regional Health Information Networks and Telematics Applications in a User Friendly Information Society, vol. 41, 2002, pp. 393-400.
N. Maglaveras, V. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda, D.G. Goulis, A. Avramides, D. Adamidis, G. Louridas and A.E. Balas, “Home Care Delivery through the Mobile Telecommunications Platform: The Citizen Health System (CHS) Perspective”, International Journal of Medical Informatics, vol. 68, no. 1-3, 2002, pp. 99-111.
V.G. Koutkias, S.L. Meletiadis and N. Maglaveras, “WAP-based Personalized Healthcare Systems”, Health Informatics Journal, vol. 7 no. 3/4, 2001, pp. 183-189.
N. Maglaveras, V. Koutkias, S. Meletiadis, I. Chouvarda and A.E. Balas, “The Role of Wireless Technology in Home Care Delivery”, in: MedInfo2001, V. Patel et al. (Eds.), Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 84, pp. 835-839, IOS Press, 2001.
I Chouvarda, E Michail, A Kokonozi, L Staner, N Domis, N Maglaveras. Investigation of Sleepiness induced by Insomnia Medication Treatment and Sleep Deprivation. HCI2009 , LNCS5638 Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg., pp 120-127
S. Spyrou, PD Bamidis, I Chouvarda, G Gogou, SΜ Tryfon, N Maglaveras, "Health Care Informatics Standards: Comparison Of The Approaches", Health Informatics Journal 2002 Volume 08 Issue 01:14-19
A Triantafyllidis, V Koutkias, I Chouvarda, N Maglaveras. An open and reconfigurable wireless sensor network for pervasive health monitoring. Methods Inf Med. 2008;47(3):229-34.
Publications during the PhD course
P D. Bamidis, C A. Frantzidis, EI. Konstantinidis, A Luneski, C D. Lithari, MA. Klados, C Bratsas, C L. Papadelis, C Pappas: An Integrated Approach to Emotion Recognition for Advanced Emotional Intelligence. HCI (3) 2009: 565-574
Ch. Collyda, N. Maglaveras, K.Pappas, “A Multiple Sequence Alignment Tool using Hidden Markov Models for Phylogenetic Analysis”, Proc. 4th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ESBME 2004), University of Patras Cultural and Conference Center,Patras, Greece, June 2004.
Ch. Collyda, S. Diplaris, A. Delopoulos, N. Maglaveras, P.A. Mitkas and C. Pappas, “Towards building a model for the unification of distributed and heterogeneous biomedical repositories”, 10th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, Thessaloniki, ISHIMR 2005, Greece, September 2005.
Ch. Collyda, S. Diplaris, P. A. Mitkas, N. Maglaveras, C. Pappas, “Enhancing the Quality of Phylogenetic Analysis using Fuzzy Hidden Markov Model Alignments”, 12th International Health (Medical) Informatics Congress (MEDINFO 2007), Kuhn Klaus A, Warren James R, Leong Tze-Yun, IOS press, Studies in health technology and informatics, Vol. 129, pp. 1245-1249, Brisbane, 20-24 August, 2007
Ch. Collyda, S. Diplaris, P.A Mitkas, N. Maglaveras, C. Pappas, “Profile Fuzzy Hidden Markov Models for Phylogenetic Analysis and Protein Classification”, Fifth Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference 2007, Aspen/ Snowmass, CO, USA, 30-2 December, 2007
Eleni Dafli, Panagiotis Bamidis, Arnold Somasunderam , Chara Balasubramaniam, Nikolaos Dombros, Terry Poulton. “Towards multilingual and multinational repurposing and sharing of virtual patients: experiences from a Greek-English case collaboration”, Proceeding of AMEE 2009, Malaga, Spain, September 7-9, 2009 pp.210
Eleni L. Dafli, Kostantinos I. Vegoudakis, Costas Pappas, Panagiotis D. Bamidis. “Re-use and exchange of an OpenSim platform based learning environment among different medical specialties for clinical
scenarios”. IEEE Proceeding of ITAB 2009, 9th International Conference in Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, Larnaca, Cyprus, November 4-7, 2009, pp. 45
E Dafli, P Bamidis, C Pappas, N Dombros. “A Case Study Of Repurposing Medical Educational Material To Three Different Content Types”, Proceeding of ICVP 2010, 2nd International Conference on Virtual Patients & MedBiquitous Annual Conference, London, UK, April 27-28, pp.2
Ντάφλη Ε, Μπαμίδης Π, Ντόμπρος Ν, Παππάς Κ. «Εικονικοί ασθενείς και ιατρική εκπαίδευση», 5ο ΕΣΙΣΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2-5 Απριλίου 2009, σελ 145
E Dafli, P Bamidis, N Dombros. “Development of an electronic OSCE examination of five e-stations for assessment of clinical skills in medical education”, Proceeding of AMEE 2010, Glasgow, UK, September 4-8, 2010, pp.206-207
E.L. Dafli, P.D. Bamidis, C Pappas, N Dombros. “Design and development of a pilot on line electronic OSCE station for use in medical education”, IFBME Proceeding of MEDICON 2010, Porto Carras, Chalkidiki, Greece, May 28-30, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-13038-0 (Print) 978-3-642-13039-7 (Online)
V. Koutkias, A. Malousi, I. Chouvarda, and N. Maglaveras, “A multiagent system to automate human gene prediction by integrating heterogeneous computational tools”. In Proc. of the 3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Companion Volume, 139-148, Samos, Greece, 2004.
V Kilintzis, I. Chouvarda, F. Topouzis and N. Maglaveras Symbolic Representation of Optic Nerve Head cup presents difference in patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma, ΙΤΑΒ 2010 Conference
V. Kilintzis, A. Antoniadis, I. Chouvarda, F. Topouzis “Using information and knowledge models to achieve versatile systems providing integrity and quality handling of EHR data on multicentric studies” 5th European Symposium on BioMedical Engineering ( ESBME 2006)
A Kokkinaki, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras. “A Semantically Enhanced Environment for SCP-ECG Records”. In 3rd European Medical and Biological Eng. Conf. (EMBEC’05), Prague, Czech Republic.
A Kokkinaki, I Chouvarda, N Maglaveras “Integrating SCP-ECG files and patient records: an ontology based approach” IEEE ITAB2006, October 26-28, 2006, Ioannina, Greece
A. Kokkinaki, I. Chouvarda, N Maglaveras, “An ontology-based approach facilitating unified querying of biosignals and patient records” in Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2008;1:2861-4.
12. A Kokkinaki, I Chouvarda and N Maglaveras, Dynamic terminology enhancement for integrated ECG resources, CinC2010
V. Koutkias, A. Malousi and N. Maglaveras, “Engineering Agent-Mediated Integration of Bioinformatics Analysis Tools”, in Proc. of the 1st Int. Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems for Medicine, Computational Biology, and Bioinformatics, 4th Int. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2005), pp. 122-136, 25 July 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
V. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda, G. Giaglis and N. Maglaveras, “A Multi-Agent System Assisting Home Care Education and Surveillance Services for Chronic Patients”, in MEDINFO 2004, 2004(CD):1695, 7-11 September, San Francisco, USA.
V. Koutkias, A. Malousi, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “A Multi-Agent System to Automate Human Gene Prediction by Integrating Heterogeneous Computational Tools”, in Proc. of the 3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Companion Volume, pp. 139-148, 5-8 May 2004, Samos, Greece.
V. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda, A. Malousi and N. Maglaveras, “Extending the PANACEIA-iTV System to Provide Healthcare Applications on the GRID”, in Proc. of the HealthGrid Conf., 29-30 January, 2004, Clermont, France.
V. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “Multi-Agent System Architecture for Heart Failure Management in a Home Care Environment”, in Proc. of the IEEE Computers in Cardiology 2003, pp. 383-386, 21-24 September, 2003, Chalkidiki, GREECE.
V.G. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “Agent-based Monitoring and Alert Generation for a Home Care Telemedicine System”, in Proc. of the American Medical Informatics Association Symposium 2002 (AMIA), pp. 396-399, 8-13 November, 2002, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
S Konias, N Maglaveras, P Bamidis, I Chouvarda. “Treatment of Missing Values using Uncertainty in Medical Data” International Conference on Telemedicine. Regensburg, Germany, Sept. 22-25, 2002
Konias, S., Maglaveras, N. A rule discovery algorithm appropriate for electrocardiograph signals (2004) Computers in Cardiology, 31, pp. 57-60.
Konias, S., Giaglis, G.D., Gogou, G., Bamidis, P.D., Maglaveras, N. Uncertainty rule generation on a home care database of heart failure patients (2003) Computers in Cardiology, 30, pp. 765-768.
C. Lithari, C. Frantzidis, M.A. Klados, P.D. Bamidis, Does arousal and valence affect ERPs and brain connectivity? A study during an emotional paradigm, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 77, Issue 3, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (I.O.P.) Budapest, Hungary September 1-4, 2010, September 2010, Page 266, ISSN 0167-8760, DOI:
C. Lithari, M. A. Klados and P. D. Bamidis, "Graph Analysis on Functional Connectivity Networks during an Emotional Paradigm", PD Bamidis and N. Pallikarakis (Eds.): MEDICON 2010, IFMBE Proceedings 29, pp. 115-118, 2010
A Malousi, I. Chouvarda, V. Koutkias, S. Kouidou and N. Maglaveras, “Variable-length positional modeling for biological sequence classification”, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annu Symp Proc. 2008, Washington DC., USA AMIA Annu Symp Proc., 6:91-95, 2008.
Α. Malousi, S, Kouidou and N. Maglaveras, “Detecting over-represented motifs in alternatively spliced exons using Gibbs sampling”. Conf Proc IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1:139-142, 2007.
A. Malousi, N. Maglaveras, “XMLgenes: Applying XML to uniformly describe gene structure prediction outcomes”. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research, Thessaloniki, September 2005.
Α. Malousi, V. Koutkias and N. Maglaveras, “A Unified XML-based Output Representation of Ab-initio Gene Prediction Tools”, in Proc. of the 4th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, 25-27 June, 2004 University of Patras, Greece.
A. Malousi, V. Koutkias, N. Maglaveras, S. Kouidou, “Computational Analysis Reveals a Significant Association of CpG Frequencies and Splicing Potential”, in Proc. of the 59th Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Athens, December 2007.
AK. Triantafyllidis, VG. Koutkias, I Chouvarda and N Maglaveras Mobile Personal Health Systems for Patient Self-management: On Pervasive Information Logging and Sharing within Social Networks , ISAmI2011
Journals and Book Series
Ch. Collyda, S. Diplaris, P. A. Mitkas, N. Maglaveras. C. Pappas, “Fuzzy Hidden Markov Models: A New Approach In Multiple Sequence Alignment”, 20th International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE 2006), A. Hasman et al. (Eds.), IOS press, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 124, pp. 99-104, Maastricht, Netherlands, 27-30 August, 2006
E Dafli, P Bamidis, C Pappas, N Dombros. “A Case Study Of Repurposing Medical Educational Material To Three Different Content Types”, Bio-Algorithms and Med Systems, Vol. 6, No.11, 2010, p.99
Eleni L. Dafli, Konstantinos I. Vegoudakis, Costas Pappas, Panagiotis D. Bamidis. “Repurposing Cardiology to Psychiatry sessions in a 3D based virtual learning environment”, Bio-Algorithms and Med Systems, Vol. 6, No.11, 2010, p.9-13
Frantzidis, C; Bratsas, C; Klados, M; Konstantinidis, E; Lithari, C; Vivas, A; Papadelis, C; Kaldoudi, E; Pappas, C; Bamidis, P;, "On the classification of emotional biosignals evoked while viewing affective pictures: an integrated data mining based approach for healthcare applications.", IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine Volume PP, Issue 99, 2010
C Bratsas, C Frantzidis, M Klados, C Papadelis, C Pappas, P Bamidis, "Towards a Semantic Framework for an Integrative Description of Neuroscience Patterns and Studies: A Case for Emotion Related Data" Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe K.-P. Adlassnig et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2009 © 2009 European Federation for Medical Informatics. All rights reserved doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-044-5-322
A. Malousi, I. Chouvarda, V. Koutkias, S. Kouidou, N. Maglaveras, “SpliceIT: A hybrid method for splice signal identification based on probabilistic and biological inference”. J Biomed Inform, 43(2):208-17, 2010.
A. Malousi, N. Maglaveras, S. Kouidou, “Intronic CpG content and alternative splicing in human genes containing a single cassette exon”. Epigenetics, 3(2):1-4, 2008.
Α. Malousi, V. Koutkias and N. Maglaveras, “Managing Evidence Derived from Multiple Gene Finding Resources via an XML-based Integration Architecture”, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 2(1), 2005.
V.G. Koutkias, A. Malousi and N. Maglaveras, “Engineering Agent-Mediated Integration of Bioinformatics Analysis Tools”, Multiagent and Grid Systems, Special Issue on Multiagent Systems for Medicine, Computational Biology, and Bioinformatics, 3(2):245-258, 2007.
A. Malousi, V. Koutkias, S. Kouidou and N. Maglaveras, “Intrinsic Splicing Profile of Human Genes Undergoing Simple Cassette Exon Events”, in: N. Maglaveras et al. (Eds.): International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis (ISBMDA) 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4345, pp. 60-71, 2006, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
A. Malousi, V. Koutkias and N. Maglaveras, “Managing Evidence Derived from Multiple Gene Finding Resources via an XML-based Integration Architecture”, in: Integrative Bioinformatics Yearbook 2005, Ralf Hofestädt (Εd.), pp. 55-64, ISBN 3-8322-5268-1, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2006.
V. Koutkias, A. Malousi, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “Constructing a Semantically Enriched Biomedical Service Space: A Paradigm with Bioinformatics Resources”, in: Challenges and Opportunities of Healthgrids, V. Hernández et al. (Eds.), Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 120, pp. 236-246, IOS Press, 2006.
Α. Malousi, V. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “Vertical Integration of Bioinformatics Tools and Information Processing on Analysis Outcome”, in: José Luís Oliveira et al. (Eds.): International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis (ISBMDA) 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3745, pp. 89-100, 2005, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
V. Koutkias, A. Malousi and N. Maglaveras, “Performing Ontology-driven Gene Prediction Queries in a Multi-Agent Environment”, in: J. M. Barreiro et al. (Eds.): International Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis (ISBMDA) 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3337, pp. 378-387, 2004, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
V Kilintzis, T Pappas, I Chouvarda, A Salonikiou, N Maglaveras, Stavros Dimitrakos and Fotis Topouzis, Novel Heidelberg Retina Tomograph based Morphological Parameters derived from optic disc cupping surface processing, IOVS iovs.10-6298; published ahead of print November 4, 2010,doi:10.1167/iovs.10-6298
A Kokkinaki, I Chouvarda, N Maglaveras, Searching biosignal databases by content and context: Research Oriented Integration System for ECG Signals (ROISES), Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 11 March 2011
V.G. Koutkias, A. Malousi and N. Maglaveras, “Engineering Agent-Mediated Integration of Bioinformatics Analysis Tools”, Multiagent and Grid Systems, Special Issue on Multiagent Systems for Medicine, Computational Biology, and Bioinformatics, vol. 3, no. 2, 2007, pp. 245-258.
V. Koutkias, A. Malousi I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “Constructing a Semantically Enriched Biomedical Service Space: A Paradigm with Bioinformatics Resources”, in: Challenges and Opportunities of Healthgrids, V. Hernández et al. (Eds.), Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol. 120, pp. 236-246, IOS Press, 2006.
V.G. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda and N. Maglaveras, “A Multiagent System Enhancing Home-Care Health Services for Chronic Disease Management”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 9, no. 4, December 2005, pp. 528-537.
V. Koutkias, A. Malousi and N. Maglaveras, “Performing Ontology-driven Gene Prediction Queries in a Multi-Agent Environment”, in: J.M. Barreiro et al. (Eds.): Int. Symposium on Biological and Medical Data Analysis (ISBMDA) 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3337, pp. 378-387, 2004, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
S.Konias, I. Chouvarda, I. Vlahavas, N. Maglaveras. “A Novel Approach for Uncertainty Rule Generation from Databases with Missing Values Handling: Application to Dynamic Medical Databases”. Journal of Medical Informatics & The Internet in Medicine. 2005 Sep;30(3):211-25.
Konias, S., Gogou, G., Bamidis, P.D., Vlahavas, I., Maglaveras, N. Predicting missing values in a home care database using an adaptive uncertainty rule method (2005) Methods of Information in Medicine, 44 (5), pp. 639-646.
Konias, S., Maglaveras, N., Vlahavas, I. Predicting missing parts in time series using uncertainty theory (2004) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3337, pp. 313-321.
C. Lithari, C. A. Frantzidis, C. Papadelis, Ana B. Vivas, M. A. Klados, C. Kourtidou-Papadeli, C. Pappas, A. A. Ioannides and P. D. Bamidis, "Are Females More Responsive to Emotional Stimuli? A Neurophysiological Study Across Arousal and Valence Dimensions", Brain Topography (2009), doi: 10.1007/s10548-009-0130-5
A. Triantafyllidis, V. G. Koutkias, I. Chouvarda, G. D. Giaglis, N. Maglaveras Personal Health Systems for Patient Self-management: Integration in Pervasive Monitoring Environments, International ICST Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - MobiHealth 2010, LNICST